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DF Savings

1. What is DF Savings?

2. Who are eligible for opening the DF Savings account?

3. How do I open DF Savings account?

4. What are the documents required for opening the DF Savings Account?

5. How do I deposit money to my DF Savings account?

6. How do I view my account balances?

7. What are the features included in the DF Savings account?

8. What is the minimum deposit amount required to open a DF Savings account?

9. What is the withdrawal limit per day?

10. Can I get a physical document for my transactions?

11. Can I get a certified copy of that e-statement when I needed? How?

12. What is the interest rate of Genie Digital Saver?

13. When can I start earning interest on my DF Savings account?

14. How is the interest on my DF Savings account calculated?

15. Are there any charges applicable for this savings account?

16. Am I required to maintain a minimum balance in the account?

17. Can I open a joint savings account?

18. What are the ATM charges?

19. How do I request a Debit card via App?

20. How do I link my card to my savings account?

21. How do I Reset my PIN?

22. How do I Temporary Block my Debit card?

23. How do I Unblock my Debit card?

24. How do I Replace my damage Debit card?

25. How do I Permanently block my Debit Card if it’s lost or stolen?

26. Where I can use my Debit Card?

27. Can I use my card overseas?

28. Can I do POS and online transactions from my Debit card?

29. Can I do bill payments via my savings account?

30. Are there any charges applicable for the bill payments?

31. What is Save towards a goal / goal-based savings?

32. What are the features available in goal-based savings product?

33. How do I fund the investment plan?

34. What is the interest rate of Genie Goal-based savings?

35. Can I change the tenor or funding date or monthly installment value after I open the goal-based savings account?

36. How I request a premature closure?

37. What is the penal interest rate for the pre-mature closures?

38. What are the main conditions of this account?

39. How am I getting my maturity proceeds?