Search Results
Where do I access the e bill?
Can I access previous bills?
How can I activate this service?
What is the charge for the service?
How can I change my e mail address?
Is this facility secure? Can anyone edit my details on the e bill?
Which are the advantages of using this service?
Who do I contact regarding any queries/feedback?
What is the electronic bill (e bill) service?
1. What is the electronic bill (e-Bill) service?
2. What are the charges for the service?
3. How can I activate this service?
4. Can I access my previous bills?
5. Can I access my current bills?
6. What are the advantages of using this service?
7. Is this facility secure? Can anyone edit my details on the e-Bill service?
8. Whom should I contact regarding any queries/feedback?
9. How can I change my e-mail address which receives my e-Bill?
DF Savings
1. What is DF Savings?
2. Who are eligible for opening the DF Savings account?
3. How do I open DF Savings account?
4. What are the documents required for opening the DF Savings Account?
5. How do I deposit money to my DF Savings account?
6. How do I view my account balances?
7. What are the features included in the DF Savings account?
8. What is the minimum deposit amount required to open a DF Savings account?
9. What is the withdrawal limit per day?
10. Can I get a physical document for my transactions?
11. Can I get a certified copy of that e-statement when I needed? How?
12. What is the interest rate of Genie Digital Saver?
13. When can I start earning interest on my DF Savings account?
14. How is the interest on my DF Savings account calculated?
15. Are there any charges applicable for this savings account?
16. Am I required to maintain a minimum balance in the account?
17. Can I open a joint savings account?
18. What are the ATM charges?
19. How do I request a Debit card via App?
20. How do I link my card to my savings account?
21. How do I Reset my PIN?
22. How do I Temporary Block my Debit card?
23. How do I Unblock my Debit card?
24. How do I Replace my damage Debit card?
25. How do I Permanently block my Debit Card if it’s lost or stolen?
26. Where I can use my Debit Card?
27. Can I use my card overseas?
28. Can I do POS and online transactions from my Debit card?
29. Can I do bill payments via my savings account?
30. Are there any charges applicable for the bill payments?
31. What is Save towards a goal / goal-based savings?
32. What are the features available in goal-based savings product?
33. How do I fund the investment plan?
34. What is the interest rate of Genie Goal-based savings?
35. Can I change the tenor or funding date or monthly installment value after I open the goal-based savings account?
36. How I request a premature closure?
37. What is the penal interest rate for the pre-mature closures?
38. What are the main conditions of this account?
39. How am I getting my maturity proceeds?
AI-Dialog Personal Assistant
What is the 'Dialog Personal Assistant' ?
How can I use Dialog? / What are the supported devices?
How do I enable Dialog on Google Home?
How do I enable 'Dialog' on an Android phone?
How do I enable 'Dialog' on Alexa?
How does Dialog verify my Dialog account?
Can I use LTE or my DTV account to setup the skill?
What are Dialog’s capabilities on Alexa?
What are Dialog’s capabilities on Google Home?
How do I configure my mobile number on Alexa?
How do I configure the PIN on Alexa?
How do I configure my mobile number on Google Home?
Do I have to configure my mobile number multiple times?
How do I ask questions on Google Home?
How do I ask questions on Alexa?
How do I exit from Dialog on Google?
How to unlink my mobile Number with Google account?
How to change my Mobile Number on Alexa?
Where can I buy Google Home & Alexa devices?
How do I setup these devices to my Wi-Fi?
About Dialog TV
1. What are the documents required to purchase a connection?
2. What are the ‘Do’s & Don’ts’ when carrying out KYC for online purchasing?
3. How do I obtain details with regard to my existing Dialog Television package and other packages available?
4. How do I shift my Dialog Television connection to a new location?
5. What are the after-sales services you provide for Dialog Television?
6. Can I purchase Dialog Television on an installment basis?
7. How do I get my Dialog Television connection relocated?
8. If I am to purchase a second connection, will I have to pay an extra rental?
9. How do I check my Dialog TV Bill?
10. What special equipment will I need to watch Dialog Television?
MyDialog Web
1. Have you changed the MyAccount portal?
2. Why do I have to create a new login ID for MyDialog Web?
3. What are the services available on MyDialog Web?
4. Do I have to re-add my connections to MyDialog Web?
5. How many connections can I add on MyDialog Web?
6. Can I pay my bills using MyDialog Web?
7. Is MyDialog Web the same as the MyDialog App?
8. Do I have to login to use MyDialog Web?
9. Can I top-up my prepaid account using MyDialog Web?
10. Can I check my data balance on MyDialog Web?
11. Can I view my billing history using MyDialog Web?
12. How do I check if my connection is active?
13. How do I know if my connection has been disconnected?
14. Can I upgrade my GSM prepaid connection to postpaid?
15. Can I convert my postpaid GSM connection to a hybrid connection via MyDialog Web?
16. Can I activate Add-ons via MyDialog Web?
17. Can I change my DTV PIN using MyDialog Web?
18. Can I activate Value-Added Services using MyDialog Web?
19. Can I deactivate a Value-Added Service using MyDialog Web?
20. Can I check my Value-Added Services using MyDialog Web?
21. Can I check my Club Vision status using MyDialog Web?
Direct Carrier Billing
What is Dialog DCB for the Google Play Store?
What is the Google Play Store?
What kinds of apps can I purchase on the Google Play Store?
When will I be charged if I use Dialog DCB facilities on the Google Play Store?
Are the price tags displayed on the Google Play Store in Sri Lankan Rupees (LKR)?
Do I need mobile internet to purchase apps or in-apps?
I want to stop paying via Dialog DCB, how do I do so?
Is there a limit for purchases on the Google Play Store via Dialog DCB?
Is there a refund for an Android app purchase that I do not like?
Can I still get a refund for my Android app purchase if the 2 hours refund window has expired?
Where can I get more information about purchasing content on the Google Play Store?