Insurance Benefit Pay Out

Death or type of disability % of maximum insurance benefit paid out
Accidental death 100% (e.g LKR 1.2 million if LKR 1.2 million is the maximum insurance cover benefit)
Loss of two limbs 100%
Loss of both hands, or of all fingers and both thumbs 100%
Total paralysis 100%
Total insanity 100%
Injuries resulting in permanent disablement 100%
Any other injury resulting in permanent disablement 100%
Total and irrevocable loss of all sight in both eyes 100%
Loss of arm at shoulder 50%
Loss of arm between shoulder and elbow 50%
Loss of arm between elbow and wrist 50%
Loss of hand at wrist 50%
Loss of leg at hip 50%
Loss of leg between knee and hip 50%
Loss of leg below knee 50%
Total and irrevocable loss of all sight in one eye 50%
Loss of four fingers and thumb on one hand 50%
Loss of speech 50%

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