9. How can I check my Dialog Home Broadband usage?

You can easily check your Dialog Home Broadband data usage via MyDialog App. Visit this link for more information 


At any given time, data usage entries indicated in the usage record history may not be the actual and latest information. As the system reports data usage in 300MB blocks, some of the usage records (sessions less than 300MB) may be still in - queue, waiting to accumulate - 300MB to report. However, sessions less than 300MB will appear in the usage record history if the customer’s router enters into a power re-circle or rebooting during usage. A Router restart will trigger the system to send usage records to usage record history without waiting for the 300MB block to complete.

By manually restarting (switching off and switching on again) the router customers can obtain the latest usage details.

My Data consumption is too High

The following could be possible reasons for high data consumption

>  Most of the apps (YouTube, Netflix) are auto-configured to HD quality, thus the Data consumption will be high. To avoid this, change your streaming settings to lower qualities such as 240p and 360p.

>  Multiple devices connected to a Home Broadband connection can result in high Data usage without the user realizing it.

>  Customers tend to watch short clips or the first few minutes of long videos. This will increase the usage since it may buffer the full video without the user’s knowledge.

>  Gaming software can consume large Data volumes for upgrades.

>  Tools to work from home such as Video conference, Zoom, O365 Office can consume large amounts of Data.

>  Devices will auto-update when connected to a Wi-Fi device and as a result Data usage on a Home Broadband connection can be higher than expected.

>  Data can be consumed due to apps in the devices running in the background, additionally, data usage cannot be measured accurately in the same manner that a voice call is measured. For example, the data consumed during 5 minutes spent scrolling through a social media news field cannot be accurately calculated and displayed. Similarly, data can be consumed due to increased downloads and uploads of media on instant messaging platforms.

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