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Speed Check
Mobile Broadband All Unlimited Data Plans
1. What are these plans?
2. Is this package available for both Prepaid & Postpaid customers?
3. How do I activate the Data plan?
4. How do I deactivate this plan?
5. If I have a sudden need to use an application with a higher speed than the speed offered in the All Unlimited Data Plan, can I remove the speed restriction of the package temporarily?
6. How does the Data quota priority work, if I have activated this plan with other Data plans or internet cards?
7. Can a customer activate two or more of these plans at the same time?
8. If a customer has two or more of these plans activated at the same time, when will his validity period end?
9. Is this plan available for Dialog Mobile 3G customers?
10. I am 4G customer using a 4G SIM in a 4G device. After activating this plan would I get charged for Data when I am latched onto the 3G network?
Postpaid Unlimited Add-on Data Packs
1. What is the Postpaid Unlimited Add-On Offering?
2. How to activate?
3. How to check the expiry date?
4. Can a customer activate other add-on plans while having existing Unlimited plans already activated?
5. Is it possible to remove the speed cap?
6. How can the customer activate the Unrestricted Mode?
7. What is the Data priority for Unlimited packages?
8. What purposes can we use these Unlimited quotas for?
9. If Unrestricted mode is activated, do Unlimited packages not expire till they are deactivated?
10. If the customer already has Unlimited packs with unrestricted mode activated, will any new Unlimited packs activated by the customer also be on unrestricted mode?
11. What Unlimited Packs can the Unrestricted mode (Charged Mode) be activated or deactivated from?
2. What is meant by “Bill Cycle”?
3. What is meant by “Anytime Data”?
4. What is meant by “Night Time Bonus Data”?
5. What is mean by “Data Add-ons (Data Extension)”?
6. What happens if I finished using my Night Time Bonus Data?
7. What is Speed check limit?
8. What can I do when I reach my speed check limit?
9. How can I check my Dialog Home Broadband usage?
10. There is a usage record in my usage record history. But I have not used the Internet during the said period as appeared in the usage record history
11. I have used the Internet but my session was not indicated in the usage record history
12. In addition to 300MB blocks, I have some entries in my usage record history with less than 300MB blocks. i.e: 168.34MB. If the system report in 300MB blocks how does it happen?
13. I have used the Internet at 3:00 a.m., during the period known as Night-Time. But my data usage record shows data usage from my Anytime Data which starts only after 8:00 a.m. What would be the reason?
14. I used the internet at night continuously - (i.e. from 11:30 p.m. till 1:00 a.m.) but my Anytime Data usage (11:30 p.m. – 12:00 midnight) cannot be seen on the data usage record.
Tips to Use Data Effectively
Fun Blaster
1. What is this package?
2. Is this package available for both prepaid customers?
3. How do I activate the Data Plan?
4. How do I deactivate this plan?
5. Does the package allow me to enjoy unlimited Data for Facebook Messenger as well?
6. Does this package allow me to stream HD videos?
7. Will I be charged if I click on a link and access a different application or URL other than the applications offered with Fun Blaster?
8. Is this plan available for Dialog Mobile 3G customers?
9. I am 4G customer using a 4G SIM on a 4G device. After activating this plan, will I be charged for Data for using the relevant applications offered in Fun Blaster when I am latched to the 3G network?
10. What would happen if I attempt to activate this plan through a direct reload without a 4G handset and a 4G SIM?
11. How does the Data quota priority work, if I have activated this plan with other Data plans or internet cards?
12. If a prepaid customer has two or more of the same plans activated at the same time, when will the validity period end?
13. How do I check data usage?
14. Is it necessary for customer to have another additional Data quota or additional Data balance on my mobile to use unlimited YouTube, Facebook, WhatsApp?
15. How do I know whether the Fun Blaster Data Plan’s speed restriction is currently removed or applied?
Unlimited Netflix
What are the Unlimited Netflix Mobile Data Plans?
What is the difference between SD quality & HD quality?
What's the benefit of subscribing to Unlimited Netflix Mobile Data Plans?
Are Unlimited Netflix Mobile Data Plans available for both Dialog Mobile Prepaid & Postpaid customers?
Are Unlimited Netflix Mobile Data Plans available for Dialog Mobile 3G customers?
I am 4G customer using a 4G SIM on a 4G device. After activating this plan would I get charged for data on Netflix when I am latched to the 3G network?
Can we use Unlimited Netflix Mobile Data Plans for Video streaming applications other than Netflix?
Can I hotspot / tether and use Unlimited Netflix Mobile Data Plans on multiple devices or a smart TV?
How do I activate the Unlimited Netflix Mobile Data Plans?
Can a Postpaid customer activate this plan without having another data plan activated?
Do I require another data quota on my mobile to access other applications?
How do I check Data usage?
Will I be notified when my Unlimited Mobile Data plan is over?
How do I deactivate Unlimited Netflix Mobile Data Plan?
How does the rental get charged for postpaid customer who activates this Plan in the middle of the billing cycle?
How does the Data quota priority work, if I have activated this plan with other Data Plans or Internet cards?
If I activate a Time-Based Data Plan and access Netflix related application what will happen?
If I have two or more Netflix Unlimited Mobile Data Plans activated at the same time, when will my validity period end?
What if I want to watch a video which is not restricted to SD/HD Quality on Netflix apps without buffering?
Are Unlimited Netflix Mobile Data Plans available for Dialog Home Broadband customers?
Prepaid Unlimited Data Packs
1. What are the prepaid Unlimited Data packs?
2. What are the prepaid Unlimited packages which are currently offered?
3. How can customers activate prepaid Unlimited packages?
4. Can the customer activate multiple Unlimited packages at the same time?
5. What is the Data priority for Unlimited Packages?
6. What purposes can we use these Unlimited quotas for?
7. What is the Unlimited package “Unrestricted Mode”?
8. How can the customer activate the Unrestricted Mode ?
9. What happens when the customer activates the Unrestricted Mode
10. Is the Unrestricted Mode permanent?
11. What happens when the customer deactivated the “Unrestricted Mode ”?
12. If Unrestricted Mode is activated, does the Unlimited Package not expire till it’s deactivated?
13. If the customer already has Unlimited packs with Unrestricted Mode activated, will any new Unlimited pack activated by the customer also have an active Unrestricted Mode?
14. What Unlimited Packs can the Unrestricted Mode be activated or deactivated on?
15. How to track/check the usage of Unlimited Packages?
Video Conferencing Plans
Is this special data plan available for both Dialog Mobile Prepaid & Postpaid customers?
Is there any speed restriction applicable to this plan?
Is it necessary for me to have another data quota available on my mobile to access other applications?
Can a Postpaid customer activate this plan without having another data plan activated?
If I activate a Time-Based Data Plan and access a Video conference-related application what will happen?
What is this Data Plan?
I am a 4G customer using a 4G SIM on a 4G device. After activating this plan would I get charged for data on video conferencing when I am latched to the 3G network?
What if I want to have an MS Teams or Zoom Video Conference call which is not restricted to SD Quality?
Is there a usage limit applicable on the Unlimited Plan?
How does the rental get charged for postpaid customers who activate this plan in the middle of the billing cycle?
What is the purpose of introducing this plan?
Can I use a Mobile Hotspot and allow video conferencing for others in the room?
How do I activate the Data Plan?
What time of the day can we access the Data Quota for the Video Conferencing Plan?
Can we use this package for Video Conferencing Applications other than MS Teams or Zoom?
What would happen if I attempt to activate the Video Conference Plan by a direct reload without a 4G handset and a 4G SIM?
How do I deactivate this plan?
How do I check data usage?
How does the data quota priority work if I have activated this plan with other Data Plans or Internet cards already activated on my device?
Is this special data plan available for Dialog Mobile 3G customers?
Is this special data plan available for Dialog Home Broadband customers?